+ 43 (0) 1 277 02-0

Rembrandtin Contact Information

For further information regarding our products please contact us:

Stefan Helfert

Head of R&D

Electrical Insulating Coatings

Tel.:        +43 1 27702 337

Fax:        +43 1 2770241

Mobil:     +43 664 88899224


Karin Reiter

Vice Lab Manager

Electrical Insulating Varnishes

Tel.:        +43 1 27702328

Fax:        +43 1 27702324

Mobil:     +43 664 2452081


Mag. Petra Gomez Alfaro-Kalteis

Vertriebsleitung, Prokuristin

Head of Sales

Mobil:     +43 664 833 18 79

Gerhard Typpelt

Technische Leitung, Prokurist

Tel.:        +43 1 27702 320

Fax:        +43 1 27702 9320

Mobil:     +43 664 404 19 32


Tamara Löffler

Sales & OEM Management

Electrical Insulating Varnishes

Tel.:         +43 1 27702129

Fax:        +43 1 2770241

Mobil:     +43 676 4082749